5 Macdon Equipment in Mound City, MO. 2024 MacDon FD235 Header-Draper/Flex For Sale 35' MacDon/Case/IH, Red, 6 TOOTH SPLINE CE DRIVELINE, CIH PRE-MY19 IN-CAB CONTROLS, Condition: Excellent New 2024 order, special discount available. My ultimate interest is in building better equipment for everybody. Heads-first feeding promotes peak combine efficiency by saving fuel, improvingMACDON FD75-40 DRAPER, NEW 2014, 3" MACDON CUTTER BAR, NEW WOBBLE BOX, NEW HYD DRIVE MOTOR & SHAFT, POLY SKID PLATES, View Details ` Dealer Info Apple Farm Service Inc. 872 Combine Adapter. May 4 - May 5 2023. Wondering the pros and cons to each of the heads, what I need to look for, and what options I would need or be better to have. Jason Strobbe, MacDon product manager, says the headers come in 30. Feel free to contact us to inquire about shipping delays. 2017 MAC DON FD75S FLEX DRAPER, HYD FORE & AFT, JOHN DEERE HEADER ADAPTER, SPLIT REEL, POLY SKIDS,. 59. Price is around new was around $750 Make OfferIn separate press releases, both companies announced partnerships with MacDon Industries concerning the manufacturing and distribution of co-branded combine draper headers. “MacDon has been much more. 2019 MacDon FD135 $72,900. Buyer's premium included in price USD $27. Address 680 Moray Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3J 3S3. View Full Listing Viewed. MacDon sickle sections undergo a unique heat treatment process known as Austempering, which produces a tougher and more impact resistant structure for improved harvesting performance! Austempered heat. 873 Combine Adapter. Trailer not included. Add to Compare. Figure 3. draper header product identification model year macdon d1 xl 2016-2018 macdon d60 2007-2011 macdon 960* 1996-1998 macdon d1 x 2016-2018 macdon d50 2007-2011 macdon 7000* 1989-1991 macdon fd1 2016-2018 macdon 974 2003-2006 macdon 972 1998-2006 case 2162 2005-2013 case 2062 2001-2004 case 1052 1996-2000 new. • For MacDon Draper and FlexDraper headers, touch POWER FLOW (A). Welcome to MacDon's Official YouTube account. MacDon Industries Ltd. Condition: Used. The new line of co-branded draper headers will be available to order at Case IH dealers starting early 2022. Online Auction. See More Details. Head is currently setting on an EZ-Trail GC42 Head mover which head buyer can own for $ 9500. FlexDraper® Headers. Top Available Cities with Inventory. com Login Dealer Login VIP Portal Register. Seen side by side like this a viewer gets a new appreciation for just how wide MacDon’s latest flex head is; in fact it is the world’s first flex draper head to ever be this wide. Parts Search; Log in; Cart (0) Wishlist (0) You have no items in your shopping cart. Keep your MacDon publications up-to-date. Most Popular Platforms MacDon FD75 Listings. Poly Skid Shoes. . Video Chat. MacDon Dealer Portal Support: Ph: 1-855-644-3575. MacDon FlexDraper FD140 Operator's Manual (628 pages) Combine Header. used. Apply for Financing. Email Seller Video Chat. DRAPER - REPAIR KIT, TAPER CLEAT Part #: 220641. Get Shipping Quotes Opens in a new tab. . Draper Headers . Your Dealer knows the crops and conditions in your area and is best equipped to fully understand and solve any. 2 miles away 330. 46 | Replaces MFG 133131 | Fits MACDON D60I’m looking to buy new Draper belts for my Macdon FD75, D65, & D60 headers and they’re asking me if I want square or taper cleats. This allows the entire header frame, cutterbar, and reel to follow ground contours as a unit, flexing up to 10" (245 mm) on either end while. Phone: (563) 245-2636. Email Seller Video Chat. 2016 MacDon FD75 Call for price. com Login Dealer Login VIP Portal Register. Single or Double knife / Hydraulic, MacDon design enclosed oil bath knife drive box(es) / 1200-1400/1500 spm, varies. R1 Series Rotary Disc Headers. Updated: Friday, July 21, 2023 11:13 AM. Featured Listing. Available in both single and double knife versions and in widths from 25' (7. 99 MB. See More Details. Macdon. 45 Feet, Platform Kind: Flex/Draper, Double Knife Drive, Split Reel w/ Flip Over Kit, Fore/Aft, Lodged Crop Finger Kit, 12" Upper Cross Auger, Skid Shoes And Cutter Bar Poly, Integrated Transport W/ ST205/75R15. Critical dimensions ensure a perfect fit on your MacDon machine every. Brand: MacDon | Category: Farm Equipment | Size: 63. . $81. The MacDon FD2 FlexDraper® is a multi-crop harvesting machine. Manitoba . McCorkle Ag Sales LLC. I'm thinking I will keep my 630f auger for some of those jobs and use the draper on the bigger stuff that is maybe 1300 of 2000. Phone: (660) 341-2045. Save your search. 2010 MACDON D60-S 12190 mm Draper Coupe De Moisso. Manufacturer: Case IH; Model: 1052; All of our new parts are aftermarket replacements. Grid List. A Series Auger Headers. Email Seller Video Chat. 2020 MacDon FD135 $72,500. Get Shipping Quotes. Macdon FlexDraper FD130 Pdf User Manuals. I am in pretty rolling terrain with lots of small fields but have some pretty good going to. Browse a wide selection of new and used MAC DON 972 Platform Headers Harvesters for sale near you at TractorHouse. Available up to 45' (13. 99. Harvesters - Headers - Platform. Came off a NH 9070 combines. comBrowse a wide selection of new and used MAC DON FD70 Platform Headers Harvesters for sale near you at TractorHouse. 3 Macdon Equipment in Pittsburg, KS. He uses an FD75 MacDon, but all these techniques apply on 2062 and 2162 heads as well. 7-ft (45-m) MacDon FD75, 640FD, HD50R, and HD50F based on static machines by measuring the area between. Turbodrum is a heavy duty, high-capacity, retrofit feed drum for draper headers to replace the existing, standard feeder drum on draper heads. Call (701) 845-0013 Email Seller. 2019 Mac Don FD140, 40' Flex Draper, CNH Adaptor, Double Drive, Good Poly, No Transport. AgDealer. Cosgrove Farms. Updated: July 18, 2023 8:18 AM. Eastern ontario. 0-200 rpm (Depending on combine model) Auger Drive Chian. 2010 MacDon FD70 $38,600. . Prices start at : 69900 USD. CaseIH 3162 is the current CaseIH offering, built down in Burlington, Iowa. Catalogues. On-Site Auction. Get Shipping Quotes. Even at maximum flex our fixed reel to cutter bar relationship stays true, maintainin. M205 Macdon Rotary and Draper ready Cummins 240 Horsepower 2013 Nice unit unit just in. View models D1X/D1XL Series Draper Header; D Series Draper Header; Auger Headers. LOT #: 12082. D225 - D2 SERIES DRAPER HEADERSTRAIGHT UP HARVESTING PERFORMANCEMacDon D2 Series Combine Headers deliver all the best performance and innovation of the FD2 FlexDraper®, in a rigid platform. H. Finance for as low as CAD $788. Email Canadian MarketingWindrowers & Headers. Est. MacDon Draper Headers for Combines D1 Draper Headers D65 Draper Headers for Combine FD1 FlexDraper® Headers. Watch the video, or read the tips below. FD 75 MacDon draper head, 35' cut, runs good but a little rough, 2013, single drive, IH hookups, Get Shipping Quotes - (Opens in a new tab) Apply for Financing - (Opens in a new tab) View Details Live. Get financing. MD #214608_B FM100 Feed Auger Bumper Update Kit. It’s more aggressive in down crop but I couldn’t give up the Deere features for the Macdon reel. 2020 Titan Machinery MacDon FD75 flex-draper head walk-around video series. Prices start at : 3500. Macdon and Honey Bee make adapters for all makes of combines. Buy Draper belts and get fast delivery to your door. This “Can Do” attitude delivered with MacDon reliability and performance, is the reason why MacDon Draper Headers are a great fit for so many of today's operations. According to MacDon Product Specialist David Rudolph, that extra width will make an investment in a new Class 9. . 31 photos 2015 MacDon FD75. View models D1X/D1XL Series Draper Header; D Series Draper Header; Auger Headers. ) Nice header. Swathers. Apply for Financing. 51 photos. That’s why it should be no surprise that Colin Schulhauser quickly said yes when he was asked to be among the first to run the new FD250 FlexDraper®, MacDon’s first ever 50-foot header. Bid Now USD $7,250. DRAPER-30FT Price: Available Qty: 2. 5" x 63. FlexDraper® Headers. Endless # 80 chain. $1,374/mo. 25319345 bolt - draper slat connector 30pk, 34mm c/w nuts 319095 kit - side draper connector (contains, 319346, 319347, 275785, and all hardware) 319346 kit - long center connector slat bars (contains hardware) 319347 kit - short hem connector slat bars (contains hardware) 275785 connector bridge (used to connect draper atThe MacDon FD75 FlexDraper® features a fixed cutter bar to reel relationship. ROLLER - DRAPER, DRIVE COATED-287933. Double knife / Hydraulic, dual MacDon Wobble Boxes / Variable 1450 to 1900 spm / 76 mm (3") / Pointed DHT (double heat-treated) / 76 mm (3") over-serrated, bolt-on. Conrad, MT, USA. 7 m) in width, it’s one of the widest production rigid headers in the world today, and designed specifically to maximize the capacity of the largest combines out there. 46" | Replaces MFG 133131 | Fits MACDON FD75 $588. Call (701) 845-0013 Email Seller. 0. 2017 MacDon FD75 Platform. Valley City, ND (701) 845-0013. Sort by manufacturer, model, year, price, location, sale date, and more. Single drive and unit has a Lexion head adapter on it. See More Details. Custom fit to MacDon guards. Draper Headers . Save search. Email Seller Video Chat. 00 USD. I have a 2015 s660 with contour and fore/aft feeder house. Phone: (574) 216-3243. 2013 MAC DON FD75. Western Canada, SK, CAN. 7-ft (45-m) MacDon FD75, 640FD, HD50R, and HD50F based on static machines by measuring the area between. MacDon solved that problem, of course, with rubber drapers. High Volume Heads-First Feeding. . Manufacturer: Case IH; Model: 1052; All of our new parts are aftermarket replacements. 2017 MACDON FD75-40 Combine Head, 40 Feet Flex/Draper, Flip Over Reel, Slow Speed Transport, John Deere Adapter (Used on S680 Combine), Double Knife Drive, Full Poly Skid Shoes and Skid Plates, Upper Cross Auger Kit, Stock: 00054444 (V) Serial: 309412, 40' Flex Draper Flip-Over Reel Slow S. really liked the way it fed but the lack of flex in no-till didn't suit me. Belts are good but it could use a set of cutter knives. Chris Rewerts, Master Tech at Birkey's Farm Store in Henry, offers some basic maintenance tips for your MacDon draper head. View Details. The use of original manufacturer's names and part numbers is for reference purposes only Compatible with Case IH Header(s) 1052. $81. Video #2 of 4: The draper system. decals. MD #12501_A 7000 Bearing Kit. MacDon exclusive wrap around edges prevent debris from entering in-between your steel backing plate and skid shoe, extending life. Tapered leading edge results in unsurpassed. . Replaces Case-IH No 47489938; MacDon No's 172195, 220637Bruere's draper header is made by MacDon Industries Ltd. Draper Header w/Cash IH Adaptor, Ser #159425 with EZ Trail 672 Header Trailer [2004 MACDON 963 DRAPER HEADER W/TRAILER] Quantity: 1.